It’s a kind of magic ..

Please Mr Postman, Look and See….. (if there’s a greeting card in your bag for me)

Communication has never been easier, faster or on more platforms, but are we really reaching out to people with any real meaning when we fire off a text or social media message at a significant time in our loved one’s lives?. 

We’re living in an age where you are more likely to receive the ubiquitous facebook “Happy Birthday” greeting from your BFF than a phonecall of them serenading you with McFly’s “It’s All About You”, on a day that, let’s face it, is All About You. You’ll also probably receive myriad celebratory emoji messages on WhatsApp (Champagne, Cake, Flamenco Dancer, Party Popper in no particular order) in place of a good old fashioned thoughtfully chosen greeting card.

I’ll admit it, I love receiving cards, I love sending them (and I have an antique trunk filled with them because I can’t bear to throw these treasured communiqués away).  I grew up in a generation that pre-dated email and text, when cards were painstakingly selected, lovingly scribed, whisked off the doormat in excited anticipation, devoured and treasured.  The cards were displayed in the home with pride, and they delivered joy.

Yes it’s a far more tedious process to buy the card, write the card, source the stamps, send the card…. But the impact is priceless.  Who wouldn’t want to spread that happiness to their loved one.

It’s not only celebratory cards that touch the recipient, a card to let a loved one know you are simply thinking of them can speak volumes, simply because they know you have taken the time to reach out to them with something more tangible than a text.  It’s a thought that truly counts.

In the current worldwide pandemic, people have never felt more isolated and cut adrift from their loved ones and their normal lives.  Sending personalised cards to let someone know you care about them can change their day beyond measure.

However, some people can’t always find the right words (ooh, at the right time), and that’s where Say it with Songs comes in.

Say it with Songs have created a bespoke catalogue of cards with much loved song lyrics that will trigger emotions from just one line.  But here’s the best part, you’ll be sending Say it with Songs as your loved one will get the gift of music as soon as they scan the back of the card, and their device will play the entire song you have selected.

This truly is a gift that keeps on giving, and maybe on this occasion,  your BFF will be delighted it’s not you caterwauling down the phone when they can have Dougie, Harry, Danny and Tom serenade them instead.